Friday, November 7, 2008

First Week

One week in the new apartment. I thought it would be easier and more fun than it has been because part of me thought this would be the panacea for my financial and philosophical woes. Instead, I feel like I've bit off just a bit more than I can chew and have had a challenge fitting everything in. However, I am seeing some of the benefits, such as my rent being dramatically reduced this month, which has helped me warm up to the place.

The mass of boxes has slowly given up its secrets and been broken down to make room for living. The trick to getting the most out of limited storage becomes a nesting-doll approach -- knick-knacks in knapsacks in backpacks in boxes in the closet. Winter clothes in suitcases under the bed. I stacked two of my old nightstands for a make-shift filing cabinet. Thinking vertically is the best way to use studio space. I'll be hitting up Ikea for a few, cheap wall-mounted shelves tomorrow.

I've walked to the grocery store twice this week. I have always wanted to be able to do this -- fresher produce, more menu variety during the week, and saving on gas and time while avoiding traffic. It has been everything I hoped it would be. My reusable canvas shopping bag has finally seen daylight, too, after collecting dust in storage for the past 5 years. Fewer trips to the store meant bigger loads, and more food than one small sack can carry. This also encourages me to cook more, which means less money spent at restaurants, healthier food -- the benefits go on and on.

One corner of my apartment that's seen a bit more action than the others is my "to sell" corner. Among the amassed items are my photo printer, my ironing board (which I will explain in a future post), various low-use kitchen items (toaster, gravy boat, quadruple-shot glasses), and old DVD's and computer games. I'm hoping to have everything posted on eBay or craigslist this weekend, although I've had better luck with eBay over the past month. Unwanted books are getting exchanged for store credit at the book store down the street.

A busy weekend ahead! I promise pictures of the finished place on Monday!

1 comment:

Derek said...

Vertical space, eh? Does that mean you're getting a hammock for me to sleep in? Glad to hear that things are starting to come together! Good luck with the sellin'.